For athletes training for the Ironman there are no off days just because its a holiday. In fact holidays are good days to get in long training sessions because you have the whole day off. Today I had a run and in reality I had 3x1 mile repeats but since it was a holiday I decided to forgo the intervals and just do an hour long run. I was at my inlaws house in Thor which worked out well because they have a bike trail that runs right though the town. I jumped on the bike trail headed 4 miles out and subsequently had a 4 mile run back. It was a good run, 43 degrees, a pretty good wind but I ran perpendicular to it so it wasn't much of an issue. I was a bit tired when I got back but it wasn't too bad. Now I'm going to sit back and enjoy a good dinner, some relaxation and a bit of football. All in all a great day.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Outseason Week 5 Complete
Tonight I finished up week number 5 of my outseason training plan and I have to say that I'm really happy with how it went. The last two weeks have been some of the best training weeks I've had since I started training for Ironman. For the past 2 weeks I haven't missed any workouts and in fact been getting extra workouts in. Last week I did an extra run and today I did a 40 minute swim before I did my hour long 3x1 mile repeats. So far every workout has been above FTP targets and I'm feeling pretty good that my next power test will show I've gained 10-20 watts on my FTP from my first test. All in all im really enjoying training this year and I hope I can keep this motivation all year. I think it helps that im not waking up at the butt crack of dawn to train and right now I only have to train one time a day. Eventually I'll have to get up at 5am to train but there is no need to do it when i don't have too. There will plenty of time to get up early and train but right now is not that time.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Endurance Nation OS Week 4 Done
I just got done with Endurance Nation week 4 training and it was a great training week for me. I managed to nail every workout this week and feel like I left it all out there. This is the first week that i noticed my quads and calves are pretty much in a constant state of soreness and i resigned myself to the fact this is likely my reality for the next 25 weeks. Last year at Louisville I didn't feel like I gave it my all and kind of just went through the motions of Ironman training. This year I want it to be a different story, I have a focused training plan and the desire to succeed so i feel like it is going to be a break through year for me. Im going to keep hitting it hard and look for success.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Training Log
10' Warmup
2x12' (4') at 100% FTP (241,241)
15' at 85% FTP (200)
30' treadmill run with 5x30" up tempo
Monday, October 31, 2011
Training Log
Tonight was supposed to be a rest day but since I took yesterday day off I figured I better do something today so i didn't have two days off in a row which meant a distance run on my treadmill. I ended up doing 45 minutes on the treadmill and it felt pretty good. Im getting to the point that 45-60 minutes of cardio in my pain cave is getting pretty easy at least mentally. I also decided to post a picture of my pain cave for you to check out. Every Ironman athlete has their own pain cave if they want to be successful and this one is mine. Sure beats the crappy place in the basement I was working out before. Now all I need to get is a nice flat screen television and it will be complete. OK maybe a new treadmill too my poor old free one smells like it is burning up every time I run on it.
Workout :
45' treadmill run
Training Log
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Training Log
Today was 1 mile repeats on the indoor track at the rec center. I thought the workout would be pretty easy since it was only two but it turns out that 1 mile repeats are tough. Next week I have 1.5 mile repeats so getting ready to really suffer. I just have to remember that this is going to make Ironman day way easier.
Workout :
15' warm up
2x1 mile (2')
15' cool down
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Training Log
Today was a bike/run brick down in my pain cave. I was supposed to workout yesterday too but I ended up missing it so i had to workout extra hard today. Im thinking I will get it in tomorrow night after my noon run workout.
10' warm up
2x8 FTP Max (2)
2x15 85% FTP (2)
5' cool down
8' zone 2
8' zone 3
5' cool down
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Run Test
1 mile warm up
3 mile run (20:25)
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 0'
Bike: 1:02
Run: 30'
Monday, October 17, 2011
Ironman Training Officially Started
Tonight's workout was my baseline FTP test on the bike. I can't get the data off of my bike power meter so I'm not able to get my normalized power so I have to use average power instead. I'm assuming average power is a bit more the normalized power so really all that means is I will have to work harder over the first training 8 weeks of my training until my next test.
10' - Warmup
20' - Max effort (avg watts 250)
2' - rest
20' - Max effort (avg watts 241)
10' - Cool down
FTP: 233 watts
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 0'
Bike: 1:02
Run: 0'
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Training Log
Having been in Sweden all week and just getting back yesterday at 6pm, this has not been a great workout week. On Tuesday I was able to get 6 miles in on the treadmill but that was the only working I did while I was overseas. Today was a 6 mile run out at the Clarence park. I took the boys out to play on the equipment while I ran around the walking trail. It was extremely windy today and it was a real struggle when i had to run into the wind. After 6.5 laps around the trail I was really worn out and had slowed significantly. Tomorrow I want to get down to the pool for a distance swim and then get a 1.5 hour ride in on the trainer. Monday sees the official start of my Ironman training for the year and this year I'm really wanting to improve my times.
Run: 6.0 miles (7.05 MPH)
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 0.0
Bike: 0.0
Run: 12.2 miles
Friday, October 7, 2011
Training Log
Today I managed to get two workouts in. The first one was a distance run on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I ran right at 7.1 MPH for pretty much the duration of the run and it felt pretty good. No injuries to report. I have noticed a bit of soreness on the inside of my left ankle again this year but its nothing preventing me from working out. My second workout was a spin on the indoor trainer at 210 watts. I have found it pretty easy to maintain this wattage so hopefully when i test in two weeks I test at 240 instead of 230 FTP. Next week I will be I Sweden all week so I will be limited to a week of running.
Workout AM:
40' Treadmill Run (4.5 miles)
5' Cool Down
Workout PM:
10' Warm Up
30' 210 watts (145 HR)
5' Cool Down
Weekly Totals :
Swim: 0'
Bike: 3:20
Run: 1:20 (10 miles)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Training Log
15' Warmup
30' 210 watts (135 HR)
5' rest
20' 210 watts (135 HR)
5' cool down
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 0'
Bike: 2:35
Run: 45' (5.5 miles)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Training Log
45' Treadmill Run (5.5) miles
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 0'
Bike: 1:20
Run: 45 (5.5 miles)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The Ironman Is NOT a Cult?
I love these videos. When you aren't an Ironman you just don't understand the lifestyle.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Workout Log
15' Warmup
3x8' (2') at FTP (240, 250, 250 watts)
30' at 85% FTP (207)
5 minute cool down
Weekly Totals:
Swim : 0'
Bike : 1:20
Run : 0'
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Training Log
Today was a hard choice it was nearly a perfect day out and i really considered getting on my bike for one of the last outdoor bikes of the year. Although to be honest by the time I decided to get out to workout it was really too late to do anything but run. Also when i started my run I was feeling really lethargic and quite frankly didn't feel like running at all. Surprisingly, though, I ended up running 7.5 miles in 59 minutes and felt really strong the whole time. I did, like nearly every run, develop a small blister on my left foot but nothing I couldn't deal with. Someday I have a dream when i can run and not actually develop blisters on my feet. It would sure be nice if i could get my feet in shape by Ironman Utah. I don't know if i need to start running barefoot, to toughen my feet up, or what but I need to do something this season because I'm sick of fighting blisters.
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 30 minutes
Bike: 2:15
Run: 1:40 (12.5 miles)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Workout Log
Weekly totals:
Swim: 30 minutes
Bike: 2:15
Run: 5 miles (40 minutes)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Today's Workout
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 0 meters
Bike: 60 minutes (Did FTP test on Wednesday night)
Run: 5 miles
Hello Again!
Like I said in one of my opening posts I'm just your average middle of the pack triathlete and haven't dedicated my entire life to the sport of triathlon. That isn't to say that that I don't train hard, you pretty much have to for Ironman races, it’s just to say that I don't do as much as most coaches would tell you that you should. As a family man with 2 kids, a full time job, and volunteer efforts around town it is hard to navigate the fine balance of spending enough time at each responsibility and still get my training in. This blog is intended to capture this so others can see that it is possible to do this race while still maintaining a somewhat normal existence.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Triathlon And Marriage
When I first started doing Ironman a couple years back I got some advice from a 15 time Ironman who told me "Don't let training get in the way of family time, it's just not worth it." He also told me that sometimes you are going to miss a workout because of work, family or other stuff and as long as you are getting your key long workouts in it's not that big of deal. I suppose if I ever want to be a Kona bound athlete this attitude is the wrong attitude to have but if I want to keep my family happy it's the exact right attitude. Just remember that triathlon is a hobby, a very obsessive hobby but a hobby non-the-less, and you need to keep things in perspective. There are plenty of other things that can cause issues in a marriage triathlon shouldn't be one of them.
Here is the link to the article, Enjoy!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Quick Tip
Things To Know About Signing Up For Your First Ironman
When most people think about triathlon they think about the Ironman. I would imagine because once a year in December the folks at NBC edit the nearly 17 hour race down into an hour and a half show that many years can bring you to tears. They show people who have overcome amazing hurdles just to be at the race and then they show the tear jerker moments of them crossing the finish line on Alli' drive to throngs of cheering fans. I will admit that it was the 2006 Ironman rebroadcast in June that led me to sign up for Ironman and subsequently become a triathlete. Pretty much anyone who is a triathlete or considering becoming a triathlete has Ironman dreams. So what things do you need to know when you are considering doing an Ironman?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Today's Workout